Category Archives: Tips

How this modern-day pandemic will transform the workplace forever?

Entire nations are placed under strict lockdown and people are stashing supplies. The on-going pandemic experiences have restructured employees and their employers’ viewpoint of the workplace.  It has affected overall wellbeing, ways of interaction amongst each other and the flexibility offered by employers. Even after the coronavirus leaves, the effect will be felt on how we […]

Protecting Your Business Against Another Pandemic

Coronavirus has led to an unforeseen disruption of business activities, abrupt shutdowns, job losses, forceful restructuring, salary cuts, and economic hardship. All these are as a result of a general ill-preparedness of the ecosystem.     The business landscape had not seen anything compared to COVID-19. The first global pandemic was the Spanish Flu that ravaged […]

5 Tips For Starting A Small Business That You Have Not Heard

Starting a business is big task and responsibility. Plenty of research and checking market viability is a huge process and often needed. But again, there are some tips which you might have not heard of it anywhere which can help you accelerate the process. The following tips are essential while starting up a small business: […]

Which is better when inflation rates are high on investments? Hedging or Protecting?

The value of money often shrinks whenever there is an inflation. In such case, investors need to find a way to manage the situation accordingly. This is vital to sustaining one’s investments and return on the investment.   Prices of household’s items change in due course due to inflation and to understand the importance, its […]

Which is the right choice of free zone in Dubai for your business?

Starting a business in Dubai gives a lot of confusions to business owners. Where should I start, what are the benefits, and which are the prominent locations for starting up, who can assist in terms of office space, talent acquisition, etc. Dubai is one of the best cities to start a business. Due to its […]

Dubai is Ready to welcome Guests

Dubai’s Supreme Committee for Crisis and disaster management has announced it will open its borders for tourists and visitors from July 7, 2020. As most of the strict restrictions being lifted in Dubai, it gears up to welcome international tourists. The vibrant city of tall skyscrapers, beautiful beaches and all good nightlife restarted in the […]

How Startups can Achieve Productive Remote Work Despite Covid-19 Outbreak 

The recent outbreak of Coronavirus has led several companies to work remotely. High-profile tech companies such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft were the first to instruct employees to adopt the work-from-home policy. The ban on large gathering and social distancing have made it necessary for startup communities to work remotely. Remote work is not entirely […]

10 Simple Ways to Navigate Your Business during these Turbulent Times.

These are unprecedented and uncertain times. The whole world is in a frenzy. One Virus, multiple deaths, several cities on lock-down, a lot more impending cases; looming fear all over the world. The economic fallout from COVID-19 is already being felt, and economists predict those affects will only continue. We are not here to push an agenda of fear. We’re […]

Covid-19 Top Safety Precautions for Employees

The global Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the abrupt shutdown of several companies. Many organizations are instructing their employees to work remotely to avoid the spread of the virus. There is a high chance to contract the virus through interactions with infectious people and contaminated work environments. It takes healthy employees for business to continue […]

Modern Tips in Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Businesses all over the world are engaging the shift from traditional to digital advertising. Nowadays, everyone is utilizing digital marketing to meet business goals: the same reason why ads pop up whenever you surf the net. According to Google, 80% of consumers now use search engine queries to find information about local businesses – where […]