Category Archives: Tips

Business innovation crenov8 tips

Ways business Leaders can foster a Culture of Innovation in their Organization

Organizational culture defines shared beliefs, values, and behaviors between organization employees and stakeholders. It maps out a unique social and psychological environment in the organization that influences the business processes, employee engagement levels, and customer experience. One vital cultural trait that is fast defining business performance is the culture of innovation. It influences both existing […]

design thinking process crenov8 business tips

Design thinking process

Design thinking draws from the process where an organization seeks to understand their stakeholder(s) challenges and perspectives to better define what actual problem it is that they seek to provide a solution for. It is a process that creates business solutions premised on what the business stakeholders actually desire alongside what is technologically feasible and […]

Inspiring leadership lessons from successful female entrepreneurs

Establishing a business empire from scratch takes strong entrepreneurship and leadership skills. There are some very influential people in business who have mastered and implemented those tough tactics and are world-renowned today. Today, we take those powerful women who have changed the landscape of the business world and understand their lessons on leadership. 1. Persistence […]

3 key steps to increasing profitability in business

Every business thinks about increasing their profitability at an early stage. For some businesses, profitability could be a single step away while for others it could mean implementing more than one strategy and gradually getting there. Profit is essential to sustainability of business and must be at least one marker of business success. Once you […]

Six key benefits of being resilient at a workplace

Workplaces are often perpetually evolving and demanding environments, and often times when faced with challenges, they can test a person’s resilience. What’s interesting however is that certain people are not only comfortable and ride out these difficulties, but they find paths of success in them; those people are typically. Many people with excellent resilience are […]

Qualities that make a great leader

Leadership is active, not passive. It is a daily job, you grow and become better every day.  Considering that you helped increase the company’s market share and overall revenues, doesn’t make you the best leader. A leader is for the people, effective leadership helps through times of jeopardy, keeps the employees satisfied and make them […]

How to make a great first impression in business

Stepping fresh into the business world? You certainly want to leave a worthwhile first impression because as they say, ‘the first impression is the last impression’. Creating a professional, reputable, and unfailing first impression is vital to the success of every business. This is necessary because as a survey from Edelman’s 2020 global trust shows […]

5 best ways to work with a distributed workforce

In today’s overall scenario, as the acceptance of tele-working and remote working increases, its essential to understand how workers can work together across cities, countries, and different time-zones. This trend is mainly propelled by a rapidly growing aging workforce and an increasing gig economy. In this article are top 5 habits of working with a […]

Tricks to save more money

We all know that saving money is essential and is something important which needs our serious attention. Despite it all, we only do less and less of it. Your savings don’t reflect how smart you are or how much willpower you got but is a mirror to your lifestyle. There are so many simple ways […]

How diverse teams can draw more innovation into business

Are diverse organizations really more innovative and successful than others and should diversity actually be a must-have for new companies or is it just a trend? Most managers now accept that employers/companies gain much from a varied workforce, however the idea is hard to prove, especially when it all comes down to measuring how diversity […]