Consumer Data Security in the Age of Digital Transformation

data security

Leading organizations are realizing how data security and protection may generate a strategic edge as consumers become increasingly wary about sharing data.

Consumers today are more selective than ever before about the information they share online.

There’s no denying that customer data are changing the corporate landscape, and it’s up to corporations to manage this information properly.

In the wake of the widespread adoption of digital transformation and a frenzied push to digitize all data, businesses are exposing themselves to a higher risk of advanced cyber-attacks and information breaches.

Fintech services, e-commerce, social networking, e-health, etc. are just a few examples of the various online platforms and services now available to consumers thanks to technological advancements, especially the advent of mobile broadband.

Because an increasing number of services are being moved online, the demand for expanded and more comprehensive consumer protection measures has also increased.

Today, more than half of all people on the planet use the internet.

The impact of the internet’s commercialization was something that no one could have predicted.

The convenience and liberty afforded by the internet’s portability are accompanied by an increased vulnerability to security breaches.

The practice of cybersecurity, which entails securing information systems as well as confidential data, is a sector of the economy that is still in its infancy.

Protecting sensitive data and systems from hackers is the primary goal of cybersecurity.

Not only do cybercriminals scam a lot of people, but they’ve also turned their attention to micro and small enterprises.

Encryption is commonly regarded as the greatest method to secure data from cyber threats since encrypted information is pointless without the associated decryption key.

When it comes to data security, no company is safe.

Encrypting important data and putting in place adequate access control methods are two key components that must be a part of any organization’s successful cybersecurity strategy.

This is especially important as the severity of cyberattacks increases.


Read more on Crenov8:

How Data Technology delivers and drives business value

Using Technology, Data, and Artificial Intelligence to improve the Customer Experience

In a Digital era with Emerging Technological Innovations, Cybersecurity is more important now than ever



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