Category Archives: Digital Transformation

Augmented reality

The Evolution of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

In recent years, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become increasingly popular. Images captured with a camera, frequently a smartphone camera, are enhanced with augmented reality software to add digital shapes to the real-world image. When it comes to virtual reality, the emphasis is on immersion, thus special glasses and headphones are used to […]

Emerging Technologies

Understanding the value and impact of Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies are those technologies that are at the beginning stages of development or are in their early stages, where they are beginning to emerge into popularity from obscurity. Emerging technologies are a class of new technological innovations that are being developed or will be developed over the next five to ten years. To be defined […]

Digital wallet

Digital Wallet spending will grow to more than $10 Trillion by 2025

According to a new report, consumer spending through digital wallets would hit more than $10 trillion in 2025, up from $5.5tn last year.  The rise of more than 80 per cent over the five-year period will be driven by the increased adoption of digital payments in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, UK-based Juniper Research […]

Pioneering Innovation

Pioneering Innovation in a Digital Transformation era

Pioneering Innovation goes beyond the norm, it is a well-executed idea that distinguishes itself from competitors while also disrupting the market. Some changes may be beyond your influence, but the change that innovation brings is well within your grasp. You could also use the most recent innovations to enhance your market plan, or you can pioneer innovation […]

Technology, Data, AI

Using Technology, Data, and Artificial Intelligence to improve the Customer Experience

Data and technology are incredibly durable, and mobile computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality are all evolving customer experience in significant ways. Most information is derived from the use of  smartphones and the Internet on a regular basis. This information is referred to as big data, and it is here that Artificial intelligence can […]

Business Technology

How Technology can help Business in gaining a Competitive Edge

Technology is revolutionizing businesses, and it is quickly becoming a prerequisite for success. Small and medium-sized companies are often on the lookout for new technologies to help them build a more profitable, effective, and innovative workforce. Furthermore, the growing trend of remote workers has increased demand for on-demand data, which is data that can be […]

Human-Artificial intelligence

Bridging the Human-Artificial Intelligence Gap

As our dependence on Artificial Intelligence (AI) grows, it’s more important than ever to grasp the dynamics of Human-Artificial Intelligence and how we communicate with it in order to improve and elevate the tasks we perform. Human-Artificial Intelligence is especially important in areas where it is used to support high-risk decision making processes. With artificial […]

Business Automation

5 things every business should automate

To meet changing market demands, business automation combines business process and business rules management with modern application development. According to a Forrester survey, up to 22% of companies lack process and workflow automation. If you want to increase your revenue and keep your customers satisfied, you should start focusing on operational excellence. Automation of business […]

Cybersecurity Crenov8 Insights

In a Digital era with Emerging Technological Innovations, Cybersecurity is more important now than ever

Cybersecurity is inextricably related to technological innovations, and it must include the full range of approaches and techniques for developing reliable technology and services. Businesses are able to look beyond conventional operating models and reach new horizons thanks to new technology such as the Internet of Things, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Virtual Reality, […]

Virtual selling remote work

Is it safe to say that Virtual Selling is here to stay?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to transition to virtual selling, operating remotely, either fully or partly, resulting in a shift in how most businesses think of selling. Working from home for more than a year has shown that virtual meetings and working remotely can be successful in most cases. Many consumers, according to […]