Category Archives: Uncategorized

Women’s Health

Addressing Barriers for Women’s Health Through At-Home Care and Diagnostic Solutions

Addressing barriers for women’s health through at-home care and diagnostic solutions holds significant potential for improving access, convenience, and effectiveness of healthcare services.  Here’s how such innovations can contribute to overcoming barriers and promoting better women’s health: 1. Increased Access: At-home care and diagnostic solutions can break down geographical barriers, particularly in rural or underserved […]

Healthcare and Wellness

The Role of Technology in Healthcare and Wellness

Technology has played a transformative role in revolutionizing healthcare and wellness across the globe. From improving patient care and diagnosis to enhancing preventive strategies and streamlining administrative tasks, technology has brought about significant advancements. Here are some key areas where technology has had a substantial impact: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Health Information Systems: EHRs […]


5 Important Decision-Making Skills Every Successful Leader Must Have

For a leader to be effective and successful, decision-making skills are important.  Your business will be able to make progress in the best possible way if you make a decision that has been well crafted.  Exceptional leaders are aware of how to maintain a healthy balance between logic and emotion, and they also possess the […]


The Importance of Empathy in Business

Empathy is defined as the ability to see things from someone else’s point of view.  It entails communicating how another individual feels in various scenarios, events, and life experiences.  Empathy is a tool for long-term sustainability that can assist us in creating a much better living and working environment.  Putting oneself in someone else’s shoes […]

Business Technology

How Technology can help Business in gaining a Competitive Edge

Technology is revolutionizing businesses, and it is quickly becoming a prerequisite for success. Small and medium-sized companies are often on the lookout for new technologies to help them build a more profitable, effective, and innovative workforce. Furthermore, the growing trend of remote workers has increased demand for on-demand data, which is data that can be […]

business sustainability 2021

10 Ways to Redefine your Business for Sustainability in 2021

Following the unprecedented Covid-19 global pandemic, 2021 must be a year of Sustainability and restructuring, for every organizations globally.  Business organizations must redesign, recreate, and adapt to be sustainable for the post Covid-pandemic recovery. Ok, here’s how: Digital transformation is a must, investment needs to be increased in digitalization Decide which part of the organization needs […]

SME’s statistics every entrepreneur should know

2020 is and will continue to be a significant yet challenging year for small and medium-sized businesses. With increased competition, you need to prepare yourself and your business to outgrow the increasing competition. The following statistics will help guide your way into better decision making if you’re a small business owner or are interested in […]

Top 6 tactics to get work done from home during the isolation period

If you’re absolutely new to work-from-home pattern of work because of the pandemic, there are a few things that would require change in order to make work from home a success. Check out these tips to ensure productivity: Maintain regular hours Create a schedule for your working hours and stick to it. When you have […]

UAE’s widely successful disinfection initiative recommended to the UK

Britain has been advised to use low-cost disinfectant spray to hold and prevent the outbreak in the country. The suggested spray has already shown improved results in COVID-hit nations like the UAE, South Korea and China. The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved of hypochlorous acid, which is colorless and has a water-like form. Hypochlorous […]

4 Business Tips for Startups During A Global Pandemic

The unforeseen hit of the global epidemic attacked our world when we least expected it. The merciless COVID-19 displayed no mercy towards interfering our lives, and in result, our economy began to feel the effect. A sector in the world of business that is struggling somewhat more compared to large organizations is the small businesses. […]