Managing and promoting mental health at work

Mental Health

Organizations must emphasize mental health to avoid a productivity decrease as many workers struggle to handle a shifting work dynamic amid a global pandemic.

For both employees and employers, mental health has become a major issue.

We’ve all had times when life has gotten the best of us, whether it’s because of work, health, or relationships.

Depression and anxiety are estimated to cost the worldwide economy $1 trillion in lost productivity each year, according to the World Health Organization.

However, the World Health Organization discovered that every dollar spent on treating common mental health problems results in a $4 return in increased health and productivity.

Many organizations are strengthening emotional and mental health benefits, according to the Society for Human Resources Management.

Support might range from stress management to the treatment of invisible disabilities like anxiety and depression.

Here are some ideas on how your company may help employees with their mental health:

At work, take care of your own mental health.

Recognize how your employees’ mental health affects them.

Reach out to a colleague who is struggling.

Make mental health coverage a part of your overall health care strategy.

Make your workplace a healthier place for everyone’s mental health.

Through social events, provide opportunity for employees to form bonds with one another.

Encourage your staff to take advantage of their vacation time.

Make workshops available for staff to learn more about mental health and resilience.

Make it simple for employees to figure out who to talk to or where to go for mental health help.

Make mental health training a requirement for your company’s executives to assist them become more mindful of and involved in their personnel’ well-being.


Read more on Crenov8:

Health and Wellness Tips: 6 Tips for Staying Healthy at the Workplace

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