What Design is all about: The Dos and Don’ts of Design

Design Creative

People frequently believe that design is solely about how things appear visually.

Although appearance is an important aspect of design, but there is more to it than the look and feel.

Great designers always believe that there is a better way to do things.

It is the goal of design to make things better than they had been before.

Discovering something that isn’t functioning, delving into the problem, considering various solutions, and then determining which solution best meets the stated goals.

Design-driven businesses are redefining the marketplace by focusing on their users first and creating experiences that disrupt the status quo.

Overtime design has evolved from a cool thing that improves the appearance of things to a critical component that generates customer engagement and, as a result, income.

Companies around the world are on the lookout for designers that can aid them in achieving their goals.

When we focus on listening to customers and identifying their needs and requirements, design proves extremely beneficial to businesses.

In the long run, companies that can identify and create business opportunities, as well as address real-world problems, will experience higher levels of trust and customer loyalty.

Here are some tips that every creative designer should know.

Knowing your clientele and target audience, as well as how to best express your creativity in a way that is unique to them: don’t focus on what you like, focus on the customers’ persona.

Keeping your typography simple and easy to understand : Don’t use sophisticated or too complex patterns.

Tagline is a terrific way to show off your creativity, make a unique and engaging brand phrase: Don’t over complicate the tagline.

Learn about the psychology of color to see what emotions each color creates: Don’t over use the color.

It’s critical to solicit feedback from others; feedback from your client base will help you discover more creativity: Don’t rely on your own thinking alone.

Too much noise might drown out the core message and cause your creative statement to become unclear.

The importance of alignment cannot be overstated,  the importance of properly aligning aspects of the designs cannot be overlooked, since a lack of alignment can result in a mishmash.

The importance of consistency cannot be overstated, ensure that new designs adhere to the company’s platforms and templates.


Read more on Crenov8:

The Importance of Design Thinking in Business (Analytics)

Designing for the future

Design thinking process

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