Category Archives: Tips

business analytics trends 2021

Business trends and forecasts for 2021

Here are five Business trends and forecasts for 2021 you should know about; • In 2021, social media advertising spending will increase by 15%, raising the total spent on social media advertising to $105 billion. • Global GDP is expected to grow by around 4.6% in 2021, following a 4.2% decrease in 2020. • Remote […]

Data Analytics in 2021

Why should your Organization invest in Data Analytics in 2021?

In 2021, organization will increasingly look to data analytics, automation and artificial intelligence as they strive to improve their efficiency and productivity. However, as companies become significantly dependent on data and accurate data becomes a strategic advantage. Rapid access to data for analysis and decision-making is of utmost important. In how a company operates, data […]

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence crenov8 tips

Tech trends that will redefine Business in 2021

The crisis of COVID-19 has driven transformation in a crucial and unexpected way. Increasing number of organizations across sectors are accelerating their technology investments not just to make their operations more efficient, but also to adapt to sensational changes in the market and client needs. The ecosystem of technological innovations has been evaluated by Tech Trends […]

business sustainability 2021

10 Ways to Redefine your Business for Sustainability in 2021

Following the unprecedented Covid-19 global pandemic, 2021 must be a year of Sustainability and restructuring, for every organizations globally.  Business organizations must redesign, recreate, and adapt to be sustainable for the post Covid-pandemic recovery. Ok, here’s how: Digital transformation is a must, investment needs to be increased in digitalization Decide which part of the organization needs […]

holiday business tips

Effective Tips to Enabling Holiday Cheer and Productivity During the Festive Period

The festive season in many organizations comes with a variety of activities and high spirits, not leaving out the end of year tasks in various departments that still need to be done effectively to avoid stalling the business processes. This calls for a balance between spreading holiday cheer among teams in the most creative ways […]

Innovative Business Strategy crenov8 tips

Important benefits of Innovative Business Strategy

Innovation depicts newness, change, new products, new business processes, a new order of things, and with innovation comes positive change and business profitability if it’s done the right way. Business innovation happens when organizations introduce new processes, services, or products to affect positive change in their business. This plays out in the business models, revenue […]

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence crenov8 tips

Benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data to handle business risks.

The use of AI and Data Analytics in every organization has become essential in today’s business world. According to PwC, modern compliance must use robust technology and data analytics to assess their methods and the various businesses they engage in. The following are some of the key benefits of using AI for your business: AI […]

big data analytics crenov8 insights

Big Data Analytics stats your Organization needs to know

Big Data, like the name implies, is referred to as a huge volume and highly complex amount of data that is constantly growing at exponential rates. However, the unique characteristics of Big Data are its volume (size), velocity (speed), variety (nature), value (worth), and veracity(accuracy), making it impossible for traditional data processing software to manage. […]

Sustainable Business Practices crenov8 business tips

Sustainable Business Practices

The growing impact of business activities on the natural and business environments is increasingly gaining the attention of sustainability practitioners around the globe. While several organizations claim to align with sustainable business practices, only a few actually do or are in the process of adopting sustainability. Sustainable business practices are premised on the drive for […]

Business innovation crenov8 tips

Ways business Leaders can foster a Culture of Innovation in their Organization

Organizational culture defines shared beliefs, values, and behaviors between organization employees and stakeholders. It maps out a unique social and psychological environment in the organization that influences the business processes, employee engagement levels, and customer experience. One vital cultural trait that is fast defining business performance is the culture of innovation. It influences both existing […]