Why should your Organization invest in Data Analytics in 2021?

Data Analytics in 2021

In 2021, organization will increasingly look to data analytics, automation and artificial intelligence as they strive to improve their efficiency and productivity.
However, as companies become significantly dependent on data and accurate data becomes a strategic advantage.
Rapid access to data for analysis and decision-making is of utmost important.
In how a company operates, data will be perceived more as a business asset that can either be commercialized or become a significant value add.

Here are some statistics that will help your organization understand the value of data analytics;

58% of organizations want to boost access to data across their workforce

71% of business experts have a desire to develop their skills in data literacy.
15% of customer communications will be managed by AI
Data analytics is considered to be the most sought-after occupation of 75% of Internet of Things (IoT) providers.
79% of business managers agree that companies that do not accept Big Data will lose their competitive advantage.
 50% of businesses say Data analytics has profoundly changed business practices
Big Data reduces expenses 49.2%  and creates new possibilities for innovation and disruption.
84% of Data analytics to increase accuracy and speed up decision-making

Read more on Crenov8;

Business trends and forecasts for 2021

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