Category Archives: Management Consulting

Business Intelligence

How important is Business Intelligence to an organization? (Analytics)

Business intelligence (BI) is the application of business analytics, data analysis, visual analytics, analysis tools, and methodologies to help organizations in making more data-driven decisions. BI, on the other hand, can assist businesses in making better decisions by displaying current and historical data within the context of their market. BI is a method that employs […]

Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Sustainability is the New Digital Transformation

The sustainability revolution, like the digital revolution is transforming everything. The word “sustainability” is being used to identify a wider spectrum of environmental challenges, as well as social, economic, and policy concerns. Sustainability has opened the door for new ways to help minimizing waste, lowering carbon emissions, and improving health, just as digital transformed the economy […]

Agile Organization Crenov8

Transforming to an Agile Organization

Organizational resilience is becoming increasingly important to companies, as businesses are adopting strategies to become a more agile organization. Recognizing that in a world of rapidly evolving technology, consumer demands, and competition, agility provides a distinct competitive advantage. However, traditional organizations are based on a static, siloed structural hierarchy, while agile organizations are made up […]

artificial intelligence Finance

According to a recent report by Oracle, Artificial Intelligence is the future of Finance

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have gradually increased confidence in robotic software tools over the last few years. Although robotic process automation (RPA) has long been recognized as having potential applications in finance departments. According to the recent report, we may have reached a tipping point, fuelled at least in part by the […]

customer experience crenov8

Customer Experience is fundamental to the long term growth of any Business

A great customer experience is important to any business’s success because a satisfied customer is more likely to become a loyal one who can help your business increase sales. It has been shown that improving customer experience increases retention, loyalty, and income. The key to using CX to drive sales is to build an experience […]

Passive collaboration Crenov8

The Importance of Passive Collaboration and Why it is Essential to your Business

For decades, companies have been experimenting with the idea of passive collaboration, flexible work practices. With many finding the advantages of doing so. The overwhelming majority of businesses, however, were convinced only after an ongoing pandemic. Businesses all over the world were forced to switch to remote work with the arrival of COVID-19 in 2020. […]

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Crenov8

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

The case for gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace is compelling and growing.  However, understanding, embracing, and valuing differences between people is what workplace diversity is all about.  Workplace inclusion is a collaborative, inclusive, and respectful atmosphere that encourages all employees to participate and contribute. According to research on workplace diversity and inclusion, […]

Intelligent Automation Crenov8 Analytics

How is Intelligent Automation disrupting Business (Analytics)

Intelligent automation would take on a much more significant role in a post-pandemic ecosystem. If 2020 has taught businesses one thing, it is the importance of building resilient businesses that can adapt to business challenges. Intelligent automation (IA) is the key of process streamlining and redundancy reduction in a rapidly global economy. In essence, automation […]

Changing consumer behavior - Crenov8

How Businesses Can Adapt To Fast-Changing Consumer Behavior

In the last 12 months, Consumer behavior has changed dramatically. By investing their time and resources differently, consumers are adjusting to new individual situations, wondering what the lies ahead. With the recent ongoing global pandemic, individuals now view things differently. Also, spend differently and, in many cases, make different choices. Beyond this crisis, the patterns […]

Cloud Computing - Crenov8

Why is Cloud Computing Important for Business?

In the last few years, cloud computing has increasingly gained popularity. It is becoming more difficult for individuals and organizations to maintain all of their information and systems up and running on in-house database servers. Cloud computing runs on a simple principle that allows users to access a system’s functionality and information without having to […]