Category Archives: Business Advisory

Business Terminologies

Important Business Terminologies everyone should know

To improve your business acumen, you must first learn basic business terminologies. However, understanding key business fundamentals does not necessitate a Degree  in business. A continual learning process is a part of running a business. As a business person, you should never stop learning regardless where you are in your profession, there will always be a […]

Corporate Culture

Organizational Culture and Development: 5 Tips for Improving Corporate Culture

The concept of fostering a pleasant corporate culture has gained traction over the years. Employee engagement, which leads to enhanced productivity, larger profit margins, and better retention, is greatly improved by a healthy corporate culture. However, company culture is, at its core, the personality of your company. It’s your company’s common set of values, beliefs, […]

Business Intelligence

How important is Business Intelligence to an organization? (Analytics)

Business intelligence (BI) is the application of business analytics, data analysis, visual analytics, analysis tools, and methodologies to help organizations in making more data-driven decisions. BI, on the other hand, can assist businesses in making better decisions by displaying current and historical data within the context of their market. BI is a method that employs […]

Virtual selling remote work

Is it safe to say that Virtual Selling is here to stay?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to transition to virtual selling, operating remotely, either fully or partly, resulting in a shift in how most businesses think of selling. Working from home for more than a year has shown that virtual meetings and working remotely can be successful in most cases. Many consumers, according to […]

Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Sustainability is the New Digital Transformation

The sustainability revolution, like the digital revolution is transforming everything. The word “sustainability” is being used to identify a wider spectrum of environmental challenges, as well as social, economic, and policy concerns. Sustainability has opened the door for new ways to help minimizing waste, lowering carbon emissions, and improving health, just as digital transformed the economy […]

Agile Organization Crenov8

Transforming to an Agile Organization

Organizational resilience is becoming increasingly important to companies, as businesses are adopting strategies to become a more agile organization. Recognizing that in a world of rapidly evolving technology, consumer demands, and competition, agility provides a distinct competitive advantage. However, traditional organizations are based on a static, siloed structural hierarchy, while agile organizations are made up […]

customer experience crenov8

Customer Experience is fundamental to the long term growth of any Business

A great customer experience is important to any business’s success because a satisfied customer is more likely to become a loyal one who can help your business increase sales. It has been shown that improving customer experience increases retention, loyalty, and income. The key to using CX to drive sales is to build an experience […]

Passive collaboration Crenov8

The Importance of Passive Collaboration and Why it is Essential to your Business

For decades, companies have been experimenting with the idea of passive collaboration, flexible work practices. With many finding the advantages of doing so. The overwhelming majority of businesses, however, were convinced only after an ongoing pandemic. Businesses all over the world were forced to switch to remote work with the arrival of COVID-19 in 2020. […]

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Crenov8

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

The case for gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace is compelling and growing.  However, understanding, embracing, and valuing differences between people is what workplace diversity is all about.  Workplace inclusion is a collaborative, inclusive, and respectful atmosphere that encourages all employees to participate and contribute. According to research on workplace diversity and inclusion, […]

Changing consumer behavior - Crenov8

How Businesses Can Adapt To Fast-Changing Consumer Behavior

In the last 12 months, Consumer behavior has changed dramatically. By investing their time and resources differently, consumers are adjusting to new individual situations, wondering what the lies ahead. With the recent ongoing global pandemic, individuals now view things differently. Also, spend differently and, in many cases, make different choices. Beyond this crisis, the patterns […]